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  • The village of Dzityá

  • The Association's history

  • List of the members of the association

The village of Dzityá* is a Mayan community in the State of Yucatán, Mexico. It is situated 10km from the capital city of Mérida. In Dzityá, visitors can appreciate the rural aspects of the state where hundreds of craftsmen have settled their familiy's workshops, where they work with wood and stone.


The 13 craftsmen of Dzityá participate directly in the activities of the ASOCIACIÓN DE ARTESANOS DE MADERA TORNEADA DE DZITYÁ – the Wood Artisan Association of Dzityá – where they transform wood into sculptured objects of art. These experienced craftsmen offer a wide selection of exotic Yucatán wood products. The types woods used are Guayacán, Granadillo, Ciricote, Chacte, Dzalam and Belsinanché.


The pieces are rigorously sculptured focusing on aesthetics, technical mastery, materials and originality. The works can be found in restaurants and homes mainly as plates, salt shakers, tortilla dishes, but also artistic items like sculptures, religious items, lamps, candles and toys. They are wonderful corporate gifts and special orders can be accomodated.


*The word "Dzityá" from the Mayan language where "dzit" means "cut" and "yá" refers to the sapote tree or "cut the sapote "


Source : Milenio Novedades-Grupo Megamedia

The Association’s history:

In the year 2001, the craftsman Jose Secundino Chi Chi started having a vision of an organization that would be able to work together and face in a better way the problems of wood acquisition. Furthemore, artisans would take part of an association organized by the municipality of Merida.

On December 5 2008 the organization was registered as Craftsmen's Association of Madeira Turned of Dzityá AC. Few days later, on December 17, the brand was registered as Meya-Che. This achievement was supported by the National Fund for the Promotion of the Crafts (FONART) and the House of the Crafts.


The current president of the association is Mr Jose Secundino Chi Chi. He and other partners are working together to improve the competitiveness of the production of crafts of wood, the positioning in the commercialization, the use of the natural resources and the quality of life of the craftsmen and the community.

List of the members of the association:


- José Secundino Chi Chi

- Eduardo Manzanero Vivas

- José Gerónimo Pech Pech

- Arturo Edgardo Cano May

- Jesús Rodolfo Pech Cantún

- Freyre Javiv Pech Pech

- Óscar A. Martín Pech

- Luis Guillermo Pisté Chi

- Juan Elías Canché Canché

- Gilberto Chi

- Efrain Pech

- José Luis F. Pisté Chi

- Miguel Ángel Chi Tec

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